Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ten More Things You Should Consider This Back to School Season

It’s back to school season again and its that time when schools are throwing their doors open for new intakes, despite the Ebola outbreak. This post is to give you a head start so you are fully prepared to tackle the challenges of picking out the best school for your child.
Ten things to consider when enrolling your child in a new school
I hope to share with you some valuable “school hunting “guides when next you go for ‘school shopping’ for your kids. You don’t have to be a parent to read this; the information should be at your fingertips.
The first question you might want to ask will be, why change my kids school? It could be due to any of these: 
  • Change in environment due to work or travel
  • Poor performance in previous school
  • Another could be a change in status, may be you won a lottery or hit the jackpot, a job raise or anything that normally change status.
  •  maybe you just felt a need to change
1. PROXIMITY TO HOME: while your teenage kids may frown at this, this aspect is very vital if you still have younger ones aged 5 – 12. If you have a combination then a suitable fair enough distance is okay. If you can always drop them off and pick them after school, its fine if not make sure the school either has transport facility or near the home for ease to the kids.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
2. RECREATIONAL FACILITY: these are those facilities every good school must have. The school should be spacious to accommodate the pupils or students and it should contain a sport center, soccer, table tennis, basketball or any sporting facility. A school without recreational facility is going to be one boring school for your ward.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
3. SERENITY OF ENVIRONMENT:  a noisy school means lots of distraction. If you want the genius in your child to flourish, you must mind the environment the school is located in. Be on the lookout for trees, gardens, small plants, grasses and all those stuff that makes you feel close to academic paradise. Schools void of this reminds me of ghost haunted schools, and you don’t want your kid telling you ghost stories of his or her classes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
4. BALANCED CHILD – TEACHER RATIO: this is the ratio of the number of pupils or students in a particular class to the number of teacher, or it can mean the number of student that takes a particular subject to the number of teachers available to handle that subject. A balanced ratio always has the advantage of the students at heart.

Monday, February 03, 2014


Hello dear readers, it’s me again EXCELINPAGES, your regular exam success tips provider. The last time I posted, I discussed on how you can correctly predict where your lecturer will set his exams from (read that here). My post today is on WHAT TO DO IN THE EXAM HALL.
I hope you understand that the earlier post talks about what you can do before the exam, now I will talk on what you should do during the exam in the exam hall.
Here are some ground works to do before, leave your home on time, make sure you are close to the exam hall, and look out for your name to know where your hall will be.
First Begin by Prayers thanking God for strength to be in the exam hall.

When you get your question paper, GO THROUGH THE QUESTION INSTRUCTIONS even before you put down your name on the answer sheet. Remember that some exams are actually test of your understanding of instructions. So I suggest that you read the instructions and get a good understanding. If you are confused, ask the examiner close by.

After the instructions, go over to your answer sheet AND FILL OUT YOUR DETAILS such as name, exam number, matric number, etc.