Saturday, April 27, 2013


      SECRETS OF GETTING HIGHLY INFORMED AND KNOWLEDGEABLE                                                    

Many claim to know much, some while others claim to know a little, the truth is everyone on the face of the earth knows one thing or the other. Plato once said, man is tabular raza or an empty slate and hence must be filled. Knowledge simply put is what you fill yourself up with. It is therefore important that you acquire much (useful and right) knowledge for you to be relevant to the next fellow and in greater extension, the world. YOU ARE WHAT YOU KNOW. I want to share with you the 3 proven ways to acquire not just knowledge but more informations. All known means of getting highly knowledgeable or informed can be found in these 3 things that i want to tell you. 

  • LEARN SOMETHING: this can be formal or informal. You started immediately you were born and you don't end until the last breadth. Nearly all you know now was learnt, be it in school, books, church, television, hear say mention the likes. Learning is so important that there are institutions just for it, schools and universities for the more formal needs and family, society for the informal needs. There are many things that can be learnt, all you need is just to put your mind at it. Don't ever be afraid to learn something new or challenging, if you fail the first time, stand dust yourself and do it again using a new tactics.
  •  ASK ABOUT IT:the next way of increasing your knowlege base is to go all out asking. An adage says, a man that asks questions doesn't get lost. Many persons are always afraid to ask questions, they would decide to go with their presumptions. Students always get caught in this, asking your lecturers questions not only clerifies you, it gives you further chances to relate with him or her, so if you have problems with people, concepts or in your life, go on ask that question, someone out there gots the exact needed answer. Questions also show how passionate you are about something, have you discovered that you ask someone you really like more questions, you are just passionate about the the fellow. If you are launching out for the first time or doing something new, you had better ask those who took that route once, this brings us to our last nuggest. 
  • EXPERIENCE IT: its said that experience is the best teacher. Experience is a kind of authority in some ways, ask Warren Buffet how he manages his wealth, he'll just draw from his sea of investment experience and that settles it. Experience teaches the hard things in life, failure, success, joy, peace, war. Humans and animals alike have brains that relies on past experience to make present decisions. If you are afraid to experience it, you just are not ready to get a move on in life. Experience is a spring board you can always use to leap into the next phase. Get experienced, get informed. So don't get scared of losing or failing, ask Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, experience shows you that the bend you took is wrong and you sure need to do things differently, don't ever expect a different result from the same procedure. Lack experience, y're deformed for life.  These are the 3 ways of getting highly informed. Cheers to your success, yours in life exploits, Jude.