Thursday, September 05, 2013


TOPIC: Basics of Communication.
To communicate means to share or express ideas, feelings or information. Every single day we do one form of communication or the other, from saying hello to smiling to just plain sitting alone in one spot, it is all a way of (sharing, expressing) something.
I intend to show you the basics or foundation of any effective or successful communication.
Communication can take place by only one person, between two, three, a group or even an audience. All these scales have their unique challenges but one principle or basic still works for them all.
Two things happen whenever we choose to communicate:
1.      Interaction: via speaking, writing, gestures, dressing etc.
2.      Attention: via body signals, gestures, sounds or facial dispositions.
I will give more on these two in subsequent ECG posts.

Input (receivers end) -------------- COMMUNICATION ----------------- output (giver end)
                                                    Attention                Interaction
Outward expression                                  LISTENING             Reply (outward signal)

N.B whenever there is a breach of interaction/attention, the result = “#misunderstanding”

The basic feature of an effective communication is LISTENING. It is also the common ground or factor between interaction and attention. We as human desire these two things, but we find it had to really listen. Many misunderstanding has really come because we failed to listen. Listening goes beyond only what you do with your ears. To learn more on listening, watch out for next POST.
WHY ON EARTH DO I COMMUNICATE: the need to do so is not far from you? You communicate because you want to know, feel, understand, share, relate and to be understood.
The secret to getting people to communicating is for us all to take time to LISTEN!

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Tuesday, September 03, 2013


one  of the major prerequisite of admission seekers in campuses is the standard of the school. there are many rating standard for placing universities all over the world.
the latest rating was released recently

On top of the scale are schools like MIT, Cambridge, Yale, Stanford etc.
here is a link to the site..

Top 400 Universities in the world

The set of method used can be found here also, hope you would find it useful
Ranking Scheme for Universities