Saturday, May 10, 2014

Harsh Lessons from the Chibok Experience

A night to the day of senior school certification exams of some girls schooling close to a dark forest in Northeast Nigeria and disaster struck. Three weeks later, it has become a world outcry - a popular hash tag #bringbackourgirls.
But there are some hard truths that we must learn some harsh lessons and reality from. My dear Nigerians and readers.

1. Terrorism is nearer us than you suspect. Let's stop the thinking that it is in the northern regions alone, the south is fully involved. Terrorism is global, guess what! The world is one small village, terrorism is now local. The jungle justice is terrorism too.

2. Its NOT the way of truth or love. It has no origin in any religion, tradition or polity. Terrorism is some one playing fanatics and dragging some people along.

Now to The Lessons.

1. Examinations are no longer test of your IQ alone, someone in  Chibok had low  SQ- Security Quotient. The principal, state government, villagers, etc. Info gathered tells us that WAEC requested the girls be moved to another area for security reasons, someone wanted to play smart. Exams go beyond book work- its a test of your know - ledge. Ask yourself "what do I know".

2. Education is not a luxury ,its part of our lives. The parents and villagers in Chibok valued this so much, let's keep this fire of education burning. I keep wandering, all the bombs, tanks etc what build it,Education of course.

3. Schools are not just building, its an institution of knowledge. This is what the enemies are fighting against. The don't want the mind to be inspired, reorientated and renewed. Its beyond the certificate , its the exposure. After my university graduation I began to see this more.

4. Children are children, boy or girl. There should be no gender bias as to our provision of life needs in this twenty first century.

5.  Our schools should be more secured. I remember vividly Fulani cow grazers roaming the campus at night when I went for night classes. Now Fulani herdsmen are another security challenge, we should be smart and alert. Boko haram aren't the only evil around us.

7. Rumours should be verified. Let us stop treating rumours as rumours especially when it concerns our security. Rumours should be reported and verified.

8. Our security agencies should step up if they want us to cooperate with them. Seriously I don't even know the security short code in my country.

These lessons are harsh, but they must be learnt. Our condolence and feelings go to the girls, their parents, friends and loved ones.

We would keep the banners up #bringbackourgirls.
Do SHARE to the next person.

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