Monday, June 02, 2014

Some Useful Tips on Effective Note Taking

Hello, its me again your friendly academic
excellence OP. Today I want to share simple
nuggets, yes nuggets because you may have
known them but not applied them before.
First, note taking is an act of memory boosting, the
truth is that no matter how good you are you just
can't store everything up on the brain. By the way,
when your brain has reached saturation point, it
goes to shot down mode. Think of it as that time
when everything comes in through one ear and
goes out through the other.
Simple secrets.!
#1 Rest - when it comes to brain efficiency,
nothing works like rest.
#2 Eat - simple but easily neglected, and please
not balance stomach ..
#3 Watch out for noise- noisy areas reduce brain
assimilation rate. A simple trick is to plug
earphones playing cool, I mean cool music.
#4 Watch out for distractions - such as traffic,
friends! yeah friends. Television and those things
that easily captures your attention.
#5 The smaller the better- if you want to improve
memory, remember this golden rule. the smaller
the better. If you have to upload lots of information
up into the brain, break it into sizeable chunks.
I hope you find this useful be you a student,
working class or just layman.
Feel free to share and ask questions.
Your friendly Academic Excellence Coach.

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