Saturday, January 17, 2015

One More Thing We Can Learn From Superheroes On Self Discovery

Some popular superheroes
We love them, some even want to be them. We adore their super powers (be it mutant powers or high tech device) and their super-cool costumes. Superheroes spend most of their fictional lives in a good versus bad, love-hate tussle. They also have a thing for identity secrecy; needful if your power drunk foes would give no second thought to lashing out on your loved ones.

Apart from their powers, costumes and secrecy, most, if not all superheroes, have a unique trademark scene. This scene is always about them, film directors always seem to get it right by adding some mystic aura around those scenes. This moment or experience where the superhero reaches and draws strength from within is the theme of this post. I call those unique scenes vantage points.

A vantage point or position can be a place, moment or experience which offers its owner a rare chance of grasping the 'big picture'. All Superheroes have theirs and yes! the ordinary person also has his or hers. The problem is recognizing those points and according it the right status.

In Superman Returns, superman reveals one such vantage point; the scene where he turns his focus on the blue planet. Superman shows us that at times it is necessary that we isolate ourselves from the problem bedeviling us. I do not suggest we run like cowards, on the contrary, I am saying that we, just like superman need an isolation if we ever want to see beyond the ordinary. At times, we only need a fresh gush of air when the norm won't make the needed cut.

Hulk looking at Betty
Another character worth observing is the green nuclear abomination called The Hulk. Hulk's vantage point is Betty. Betty is his co researcher and love. If you want to get Bruce angry, just try laying your fingers on Betty. If you also want to calm the beast, go get 'it' his Betty. All I'm saying is that people can become a vantage point too. For some, life has a meaning because someone is just out there, it can be a loved person, a mentor or even work - anything that makes life worth living is a vantage point.

Prof X inside Cerebro
Professor Xavier of X-Men is my favourite. Professor is a superb telepath; he probably has the best brain in the superhero world. For all his gifting, Xavier still has his limits. That's where cerebro comes in. Cerebro amplifiers his powers enabling him reach more mutants (and humans as well). The sight of Professor X in cerebro is iconic, worth tagging a vantage point. Anything that amplifiers you, celebrates you or makes you feel that 'extraness' is worth calling a vantage point.

A vantage point gives you a broader view. It energizes you. It also gives a person the chance to look inwards, into a reservoir of strength, giving one the needed motivation to achieve more.

Take out time, reflect a little and list out those experiences, days, persons or things that make your life worth living. A vantage point is also something you are willing to sacrifice for. In the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen Covey, stresses that outward victories are only manifestation of internal positive reforms. Your vantage point reflects your internal worth-your true worth.

There is a close relationship between vantage points and life purpose. Your life purpose is something you were born to be or do; your vantage point is an experience that showcased that life purpose. Think of vantage points as those eureka moments.

When you find your vantage point, cherish it. Help others find theirs as well. We can all be fulfilled and happy if only we find what makes us thick and what makes life worth living for.


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