Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Studying is fun

In this article I want to highlight eight (8) important aspect that must be considered and applied if you ever want to improve your study habit or life style.
Before we launch into the box of goodies I have for you, lets pause a little and look at what it means to study.
To study means to seek an understanding of a topic by means of reading and deep reflection over the piece of information available. The word study has its root word as stud, which means to be in diverse places in a particular area OR to be into many but yet under one. Let me put it like this, when you study you are trying to be jack of all but master of one (know so much but be well grounded on one).  That is why people who study are highly knowledgeable read more about how you can be more knowledgeable.

Now we can go back to our earlier journey, we only had a stopover at the mall of clarification. The following things are what should comprise what must happen whenever you attempt to study.

  1.    ACTIVATE ACTION: studying is an active effort, it is not passive. When you want to study a book, an idea, a business plan or even yourself, you must be prepared to take action and to do something very active. You have to put yourself in the right mood, atmosphere and condition before you study. Ever try studying when you are sleepy, drunk or very tired, what happens is that you just find it impossible, its also the same when you feel rejected, depressed or disappointed, reading just seems like an extra log of wood added to your already heavy weight so you simply flop. Next time you really want to study, be happy, calm, positive, prepared, excited and passionate about what you are about going into and you would get the great taste of the pudding right when you are eating. Studying isn’t for babies its for persons who are prepared to pay the cost and enjoy its rewards
  2. 1.      IT IS DELIBERATE: reading can be done even when you didn’t plan for it; all you have to do is pick something and read it, that’s all! But when you want to study, you are going to need to take more deliberate decisive actions than just pick and read.
    You have to deliberately consider the following
    o   A Plan – this may involve creating a reading plan or allocating a time for the activity to be embarked upon. The planning can also involve making certain choices as to
    Where to use: a library, your room, the park or right in the classroom
    When: at night, during the day.
    Which book or piece of information to consider
    Who to consider, I mean author, textbook and so on.
    o   Opportunity Cost: this is the principle of economics that says that something has to be forgone to gain another. A deliberate desire to study would involve you missing out on other things like party, friends, meal or even your favourite television programme. Though this can be averted if time is properly planned but one thing has to give way for another, its just the law. So a deliberate plan has to be made to foresee these alternatives.
    o   Result: there has to be a desire for result if you plan to study, unlike reading where you may not really have anything in mind to achieve after all that will be done, anyone attempting to study surely has the end in view, he or she would consider the time wasted and study futile if nothing is gained after the exercise.
    3.      READING:  ok now you finally got me, I guess you’ve been wondering how one can study without reading. Well the truth is reading is an integral part of studying that you just can’t do without. Whatever you are hoping to get, you still will need to read it off the book. Remember when you were trying to understand your spouse, what did you do, you read her body signals, language, touch, smile e.t.c you probably also attached some ideas to her signals, well when you study, you attach some ideas to the signals you are reading from your book or whatsoever you are reading from.
    Reading has various forms and manners as well as types, read more about it here.

    These are the first four, check out for updates on the next four in my next instalment. Thank you.


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